The New Type of Coin of Đurđe Balšić.pdf The New Type of Coin of Đurđe Balšić.pdf
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Nobleman Djuradj I Balšić Lord of Zeta (1362-1378) and Prince Lazar Hrebeljanovic (1371-1389), silver coin.

Obverse: Christ facing standing in front of the throne, holding Gospels, Latin legend initials: IC - XC (Jesus Christ) and V - V on each side with stars around. Circles on the throne. V - V points to the same moneyer same money maker that Djuradj I Balsic used making his own coins, please check Numizmaticar Belgrade 2005 No 24/25 pages 229-232 below. 

Reverse: Cyrillic legend in 5 rows: ВbХА+ БАБλГО ВЪPNНH KNE3bλ Α3ΑPb (U Hrista boga Blagoverni Knez Lazar (In Christ god Pious Prince Lazar)).

Reference: LJ XI-22, J 147, I 24.2, D 178

Comment: He was the eldest of the three sons of Balsa I. Extremely rare and scarce example shared with Prince Lazar (1371-1389). One of few ruler shared coins. This is newly identified type by the Museum of Krusevac. Most catalogs and books are listing this type under Prince Lazar.

He had 2 brothers Stracimir and Balsa II. He was contemporary of Emperor Stefan Uros IV Dušan, Stefan Uros V, Knez Lazar,  Vukašin Mrnjavčević and his son, Marko, Nikola Altomanović and Bosnian Ban Tvrtko I.

In 1375, Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović and Đurađ I Balsic convened the state assembly (sabor) during which Jefrem was chosen as Serbian Patriarch 1375–1379 also known as Elder JefremDate of this coin minting does must fall in between 1375 and 1378 when Djuradj Balsic dies January 13th in Skadar.

Order info: #DIB01

Price: £850.00



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